Glass or Plastic? Which is Better for Hummingbird Feeders?

Hummingbirds are one of the most beautiful and fascinating birds. These tiny birds are known for their acrobatics and love for sweet nectar, which they get from flowers and feeders. Hummingbird feeders come in various designs, but one of the most common concerns they ask is whether they should choose a glass or plastic feeder. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of both types of feeders to help you decide which one to get for your backyard oasis.

Glass Feeders

Glass or Plastic? Which is Better for Hummingbird Feeders?

Glass hummingbird feeders are durable and long-lasting. They are also easier to clean and maintain compared to plastic feeders. Moreover, they are UV resistant, which means they won’t get yellow or discolored even when exposed to sunlight for an extended period. They also do not have BPA or other harmful chemicals that can impact the birds' health. Glass feeders are attractive and come in various shapes, colors, and designs, making them perfect for any outdoor space. However, glass feeders are more expensive than their plastic counterparts and can shatter if touched by a hard object.

Plastic Feeders

Glass or Plastic? Which is Better for Hummingbird Feeders?

Plastic hummingbird feeders are inexpensive and lightweight. They have a lower risk of breaking or shattering, making them safer for the birds and the environment. Plastic feeders are available in various shapes and designs and are perfect for beginners or people who want to test whether hummingbirds will visit their yards. The downside is that plastic feeders are less durable and tend to get cloudy or discolored over time. They may also have BPA or other chemicals harmful to the birds, and they may scratch easily, making them difficult to clean.

What Experts Say

Glass or Plastic? Which is Better for Hummingbird Feeders?

According to hummingbird experts, the preferred material for hummingbird feeders is glass. Glass feeders do not have any chemical components that may harm the birds. They also maintain their shape and size, making them stable even under varying temperatures. However, plastic feeders are not entirely wrong. In fact, plastic feeders on the market are made of food-grade materials and are safe for birds.

Which One Should You Get?

Glass or Plastic? Which is Better for Hummingbird Feeders?

Both glass and plastic hummingbird feeders have their advantages and disadvantages. Glass feeders are more expensive, but they are more durable, easier to clean, and are not harmful to birds. Plastic feeders are inexpensive, lightweight, and safer for the environment, but they can also harm the birds and may discolor over time. A plastic feeder may be the best option if you're on a tight budget. Otherwise, it’s best to go for a high-quality glass feeder that will last longer and provide safer feeding for your beloved hummingbirds.


Hummingbirds are fascinating creatures that require much care and attention, not to mention the suitable feeder to help them thrive. Whether you choose a glass or plastic feeder, it’s essential to consider the material's quality, durability, and safety for the birds. Glass feeders may be more expensive. Still, they are more durable and safer for the birds. On the other hand, plastic feeders are inexpensive and lightweight, but choosing the right materials is important to avoid any harm to our feathered friends. Ultimately, your hummingbirds deserve the best, so choose wisely!

1 comment

  • Glass feeders seem to keep sugar water longer than plastic. Has anybody checked this?

    CK hicks

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