Allen's Hummingbird
(Selasphorus Sasin)
Allen's hummingbird is a small, compact and stocky hummingbird species, with mature adults reaching only 3 to 3.5 in length.

BILL: straight black bill.
SIZE: 3 - 3.5 inches in length, with 4.75 inches wingspan, have pointed wings and fan-shaped tail.
WEIGHT: 2 – 4 grams.
COLOR: red, orange, white, bronze-green, black, rust, iridescent.
OPEN WOODLANDS: typically breed in open or shrubby areas, forest openings, yards, and parks, and sometimes in forests, thickets, swamps, and meadows from sea level to about 6,000 feet.
NEST: base and inner part are made of spiderweb and downy material from willows and flowers in the sunflower family and held by downy fibers together with spiderweb, small pieces of grass and leaves for thin outer layer and camouflage the outside with pieces of lichen and moss.
EGGS: 1-3 eggs, 0.5-0.6 inches in length, white in color.
INCUBATION: 17-22 days.
NESTLING PHASE: 22-25 days.
NECTAR from such as bush monkeyflower, Indian paintbrush, columbine, currant, gooseberry, twinflower, penstemon, ceanothus, sage, eucalyptus, and manzanita.
INSECTS capturing small insects in midair or picking them off plants.
HOVERING take small insects in midair and pick small spiders off vegetation, both defend feeding territories on both the breeding and wintering grounds.
SUMMER - Pacific Coast, from Southwest Oregon to Southern California.
WINTER - Pacific coast of Mexico (including Baja California) and central Mexico, in the states of Mexico, Morelos, and Puebla.