SCIENTIFIC NAME: Oriolus larvatus
The Black-headed Oriole is a species of bird in the family Oriolidai. It has a very striking appearance with a bright yellow body, contrasting black head and flesh- colored beak.
The Black-headed Oriole measures about 8.66 inches in length and weighs about 59 - 72 grams.
It has a bright yellow body, contrasting black head and flesh-colored beak.
The voice is a liquid-sounding warble, accompanied by imitations and whistles.
Feeds on small fruit as well as large insects.
Inhabits dry tropical forests, especially acacia and broad-leaved woodlands, and dense shrubland areas, where it is more often heard than seen despite the brightness of its plumage.
Breeds in much of sub-Saharan Africa from South Sudan and Ethiopia in the north to South Africa in the south.
Their nest is a deep cup made of strands of old-man's beard lichen (Usnea), moss, tendrils and grass woven together.
It is usually placed between the stems of a fork in a horizontal branch, often far from the main tree trunk, usually 6 - 9 meters above ground.
The female lays 2 -3 eggs which are incubated roughly 14 - 16 days.
Alternate Names :
Include the African Black-headed Oriole, Eastern Black-headed Oriole and Eastern Oriole.