Blue-gray Tanager

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Thraupis episcopus

Blue-gray Tanager

The Blue-gray Tanager is a medium-sized South American songbird of the Tanager family, Thraupidae.
Its range is from Mexico south to northeast Bolivia and northern Brazil, all of the Amazon Basin, except the very south. It has been introduced to Lima.
On Trinidad and Tobago, this bird is called Blue Jean.

Adults have a light bluish head and underparts, with darker blue upperparts and a shoulder patch colored a different hue of blue.
The bill is short and quite thick. Both sexes are similar, but the immature is much duller in plumage.
The Blue-gray Tanager is 6.3 – 7.1 inches long and weighs 30 – 40 grams.

Their song is a squeaky twittering, interspersed with "tseee" and "tsuup" call notes.

They feed mainly on fruit, but will also take some nectar and insects.

Open woodland, cultivated areas and gardens.

Mexico south to northeast Bolivia and northern Brazil, all of the Amazon Basin, except the very south. It has been introduced to Lima (Peru). On Trinidad and Tobago.

The female lays 1 - 3, usually 2, dark- marked whitish to gray-green eggs in a deep cup nest in a high tree fork or building crevice.
Incubation by the female is 14 days with another 17 to fledging.
The nest is sometimes parasitised by Molothrus cowbirds.

Blue-gray Tanager Infographic



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