If you think that you need to be some sort of a Disney princess to get birds to flock to your home and garden, think again! All you have to do is learn what attracts birds. Once you have made your garden into a safe haven for birds, they will return year after year for you to enjoy.
The first and easiest, way to get birds to frequent your garden is to feed them. Find out what birds are common in your area, and learn what they like to eat. Not all birdseed is the same. Seed mixes with sunflower and peanuts are enjoyed by larger birds while smaller finches prefer flax and millet. Some birds would prefer to skip the seed altogether and would some dried meal worms. Hummingbirds are drawn to colorful feeders filled with sweet nectar. Feel free to put out several different feeders with different seed mixes. You are sure to attract a wide variety of birds.
Food isn't the only thing birds are looking for, when they flit from garden to garden or tree to tree. Water is also important. Birds need water all year round, but they are especially in need during the summer months. Placing a bird bath in your garden and keeping it filled with clean water will surely draw a crowd as they gather to not only drink, but splash around for a nice bath.
If you want to encourage the birds who frequent your garden to stay a little longer, consider adding some nesting locations. Besides trees and shrubbery, many birds will happily make a home in a man-made bird house. You just need to make sure it is the right size for the bird you hope to attract, and place it in a location that will not see a lot of commotion. For example, birds are not likely to choose a nesting box that is right next to the children's play area or too close to the door you use to enter and leave your home.
One aspect that many people forget about when thinking of what attracts birds is what plants you have in your garden. Birds are prey species. This means that they are always on the lookout for predators. Birds of prey such as hawks are an especially great threat to small songbirds. If your garden is wide open with little cover, birds may not want to stay long as they will feel quite exposed. All you need are a few shrubs or bushy plants that birds can duck into when threatened and they will feel much safer visiting. And if you have a pet cat, make sure to keep it indoors! If you must let the cat out, a collar with a bell is essential. Birds will learn very quickly which gardens leave them at risk of becoming a feline snack and will steer clear.
Once you have learned what attracts birds and how to make your garden a bird paradise, you should start seeing an increase in bird life. Be patient, as it may take a few days or weeks for birds to find your little sanctuary. However, once known, you will see birds return, again and again, often bringing their friends with them!