Cave Swallow

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Petrochelidon fulva

Cave Swallow

The Cave Swallow is a medium-sized swallow with a cylindrical body, long, pointed wings and a square-tipped tail that sometimes shows a slight notch. Its bill is very short and feet are very small.

Both sexes measure about 5.5 inches long, with a wingspan of 13 inches and weight of 17 - 25 grams.

Adults have dark blue backs, brownish wings, and pale chestnut cheeks and forehead.

Juveniles are similar to adults but are more brown overall and have paler throat and cheeks.

CALL: They chatter in flight with a high-pitched “zreet” that they repeat multiple times.

SONG: A series of squeaks, complex warbles, gurgles, and knocks that lasts for about 6 seconds. The song tends to lack the static-like sounds of Cliff Swallows.

Feed on small to medium-sized flying insects throughout the day.

Nests in caves, sinkholes, and more recently under bridges and in culverts. They forage over open areas frequently near water.

Resident to short-distance migrant. Populations in the United States migrate south, while most populations in Mexico and the Caribbean are year-round residents.

Both the male and female collect mud and bat guano with their bills to create a flattened cup made of mud pellets.

Sometimes the sides of the nest extend upward to enclose the cup and may have a small entrance tunnel on one side.

They line the inside of the nest with grass and plant fibers.

The female lays 1 - 5 white eggs, with fine dark spots. Incubation last for about 15 - 18 days.


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  • Hello Owner, exact same below: Link Text

    Graciela Wilks

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