Common Bush Tanager

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Chlorospingus flavopectus

Common Bush Tanager

The Common Bush Tanager, also referred to as the Common Chlorospingus is an active, social little bird.

Adults are 5.3 inches long and weigh 20 grams on average.

They have a brown head with a (usually) thin supercilium and a white spot behind the eye and a light throat. Upperparts are olive and the underparts yellow, becoming white on the belly.

Coloration, especially of the cheeks, throat and eye region, is very variable across the wide range, giving weight to the theory that this these birds form a superspecies.

Immatures are browner above, darker below, and have a duller olive eye spot.

Hatchlings are covered in dark gray down feathers and have bright yellow bills.

CALL: A squeaky "tseeet" or "chit".  

SONG: Vary widely between the populations.

Feeds on insects, spiders, small fruits and nectar.

Cloud forests with ample undergrowth and adjacent bushy clearing.

Resident breeder in the highlands from central Mexico south to Bolivia and northwest Argentina.

Nest is a bulky, cup-shaped structure made from thin twigs and roots, coarse leaves and mosses. It is lined with fine leaves and fibers. It is hidden below vegetation on a bank or slope, in a hollow or tree trunk, amongst epiphytes, or up in a tree. It may be placed over 20 meters up in a tree, but usually is located 15 meters high or less; in most populations’ nests are occasionally built less than 1 meter above and sometimes even right on the ground.

Normal clutch is 2 eggs in most of the range.
(Northernmost populations, however, sometimes produce clutches of 3 eggs, while in Southern Andean group one-egg clutches might be frequent or even the norm.)

The female incubates for much of the day, while both parents provide the young with food.


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