Eurasian Wren

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Troglodytes troglodytes

Eurasian Wren

The Eurasian Wren is a plump, sturdy bird with rounded wings and a short tail, which is usually held cocked up.

It is a very small insectivorous bird. Adults measure about 3.5 - 3.9 inches in length, with a wingspan of 5.1 - 6.7 inches and weigh around 10 grams.

It is rufous brown above, grayer beneath, and indistinctly barred with darker brown and gray, even on the wings and tail. Bill is dark brown and legs are pale brown. Both sexes are similar.

Juveniles are more reddish, with head and nape slightly streaked with blackish edges. Underparts are darker, streaked with dark brown. First year has brown streaked alula, whereas adults have conspicuous white edges on it.

The plumage is subject to considerable variation, and where populations have been isolated, the variation has become fixed in one minor form or another.

CALL: A harsh low “churr”, and also a loud “tek” often repeated.

SONG: A very loud and strong for a tiny bird. It is a mixture of trills and rattling warblers, ending in prolonged dry rattling trill.

During autumn, Eurasian Wren sings softly, but its alarm call is very strong “terrerrerr”, and also a rapid tremolo “titititic”, in all seasons.

A wide variety of invertebrates, such as insects and spiders, but also small vertebrates such as fishes, tadpoles and young frogs. It also consumes berries and seeds.

Lives in various habitats such as woodlands, gardens, farmlands, rocky islets, cliffs on islands.

Found in Center and south of Canada, Alaska, West coast of United States, Europe, Asia to Japan and North Africa.

Northern birds migrate southwards to winter. In Taiwan, it is a common resident of mountain forests, at mid to high elevations.     

The male builds 3 - 4 nests, and the female chooses one. It is made with sticks and moss, by the male, and the female helps to line the interior with feathers and hair. It is located in an old stump or woodpecker cavity or rock crevice.

It is a covered, down-shaped structure, with an entrance on the side, giving the name “troglodytidae”, meaning “cave dweller”.

The female lays 4 - 7 white eggs, spotted with brown. She incubates the eggs for 16 days.



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    Angelica Pumpkin

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