Black-Crested Titmouse 

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Baeolophus Atricristatus 

Black-crested Titmouse

Males have gray, slightly tinged olive upperparts and upperwing-coverts. The rump is olive-brown. The tail is darker, brownish-gray, with outer rectrices broadly edged olive-gray.

Flight feathers are brownish-gray, and finely edged pale gray except the outer primaries. Underparts are whitish, and upper breast is washed pale grey.

Flanks are orange-buff to cinnamon and undertail-coverts are tinged buffish.

Females are very similar to the males but have duller and paler crown and crest. Crest is usually shorter than males.

Juveniles have grayish-white forehead, grayer crown and shorter crest, browner upperparts and washed dull buff underparts.

BILL: black, stubby round bill. 

SIZE: measures about 5.9 inches in length, with a wingspan of 9.1 - 9.8 inches.

WEIGHT: weighs about 15.2 - 18.4 grams.

COLOR: gray, olive, olive-brown, olive-gray, brownish-gray, orange-buff, cinnamon, buff, black and white.

Insects and seeds.

Forest, woodland, oak-juniper scrub, mesquite, thorn scrub, riparian woodland, and in towns.

Southern Texas and Northeastern Mexico.

CALL: A scratchy, chickadee-like "tsee-day- day-day." Also fussy scolding notes. Sharper and more nasal than Tufted Titmouse.

SONG: A loud, whistled "peew, peew, peew, peew."

NEST: The female builds a nest within a hole or cavity with moss, grass, lichens, leaves, bark strips, feathers and animal hair.

EGGS: 6 - 7 white or pinkish-white eggs.

INCUBATION: 13 - 14 days, female only.

They glean insects from bark and foliage. They hang upside down to reach insects and hold their food under their feet to peck it.


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