Dusky Flycatcher 

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Empidonax Oberholseri 

Dusky Flycatcher

Adults have olive-gray upperparts, darker on the wings and tail, with whitish underparts; they have a noticeable medium-width white eye-ring, white wing bars and a medium-length tail.

The breast is washed with olive-gray and the belly is faintly yellow.

The bill is mainly dark. It is a bit smaller than the American grey flycatcher and a bit larger than the Hammond's flycatcher.

Juveniles are pale gray with a yellowish bill.

BILL: dark and small

SIZE: measures about 5.1 - 6 inches in length, with a wingspan of 7.9 - 9.1 inches.

WEIGHT: weighs about 9.3 - 11.4 grams.

COLOR: olive-gray, white and yellow.


Mountain slopes and foothills with brush and scattered trees (especially ponderosa pine).

Southern Arizona and Mexico, the southwest United States, the Mojave, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan Deserts.

CALL: A dry "whit", is the common call and a sad "dew-hic", given by the male is the less common call.

SONG: Variable songs of "chirp", "greeep", or "pweet".

NEST: The female builds a cup-shaped nest made of woven grasses and plant material lined with grass, hair, plant down, lichen, and feathers.

EGGS: 2 - 5 dull white eggs, occasionally spotted with brown.

INCUBATION: 15 - 16 days.

NESTLING PHASE: 15 - 20 days.

They forage in typical flycatcher fashion, observing from a perch and flying out to catch passing insects.

They will also sometimes hover to glean insects from foliages or twigs.





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