Green-fronted Lancebill

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Doryfera ludovicae

Green-fronted Lancebill

The Green-fronted Lancebill as the name suggests, is distinguished by a “glittering” green patch of feathers on their forehead.

Between males and females, males consistently have a prominent forehead patch.

Body plumage is uniform regardless of sex with both males and females having a drab gray-green breast and belly.

A coppery patch extends from the nape and down along the sides of the neck. This meets a rich green that occupies much of the crown except for the eponymous green forehead patch.

Much of the back and dorsal face of the tail are a similar rich green as the green with an iridescence creating a situational alternation between green, teal, and turquoise.

The bill is exceptionally long for any hummingbird (ranging from 29mm - 36.5mm with variation primarily attributed to regional populations).

In physical dimension, a size difference between male and females has not been identified with regards to body length and beak proportions.

Feeds on the nectar of epiphytes, including mistletoe.

Found in highly developed forest locations adjacent to fast-moving streams.

It has a disjunct distribution: Talamancan montane forests, the Serranía del Darién and the northern Andes.

It is not considered migratory.

Only the female builds the nest. Nest materials are almost always some combination of spider web, moss, and lichen in which the spider web serves as the adhesive anchor, binding the nest to the rock or soil face.

Occasionally, it can be found built not on the rock face but suspended on the inner side of the moss growing on and around the cliff overhang. It tends to be built adjacent to or above fast-moving freshwater features.

Incubation time is 20 – 21 days once hatched chicks are born highly altricial and need a nestling period of 29 – 30 days.


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