Hooded Visorbearer

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Augastes lumachella

Hooded Visorbearer

The Hooded Visorbearer is a small species of hummingbird in the family Trochilidae. The species is sexually dimorphic.

It is a small hummingbird, measuring 3.3–3.9 inches in length and weighing 4–4.8 grams. Bill is short, straight and black.

Males are iridescent bronzy-green on their upperparts and underparts. Forehead and throat are an iridescent golden-green with a narrow border of bluish-green at the lower edge of the throat. The sides and crown of their heads are black, and a thin line of black borders their gorget.

They have a narrow white breast band with a golden-orange spot in the center and purplish-brown wings. Tail is a deep bronzy-crimson.

Females’ coloring is more subdued. They are more bronzy on upperparts and underparts. Head is green instead of black. They have a gray face and the sides of their head are brown, rather than black.

The green on the throat is less colorful and iridescent that that of the male's, with a stronger border of bluish- green at the lower edge; the color does not extend to her forehead. Immature birds are bronzy-green above and brown below, with a white throat speckled with green.

Their tails are a coppery-bronze above and crimson below, less brilliantly-colored than those of adults. The combination of head pattern and tail color is said to make this species "unmistakable" within its small natural range.

Described "nasal" and "dry". Transcribed as tru tweé tru zee, its short phrases are typically repeated more than three times in a row.

Feeds primarily on nectar, though it will also take insects.

Resides in the campo rupestre, an arid, high-elevation area characterized by rocky outcrops, poor soils, open habitats, and harsh climatic conditions.

Endemic to eastern Brazil. Found only in the Chapada Diamantina region of Bahia.

Little is known of their breeding ecology. It builds its nest from cactus spines, usually about a meter off the ground.



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