Jamaican Mango

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Anthracothorax mango

Jamaican Mango

The Jamaican Mango has a beautiful plumage that shows shades of orange, blue-green and gold, and an iridescent magenta collar when observed in good light.

It measures 4.33 - 4.72 inches in length and weighs about 8.5 - 9 grams. It is a large, dark hummingbird.

However, its plumage appears much brighter in good light. The blackish plumage shows iridescent magenta collar around cheeks and neck sides. Shoulders and back are dull green- bronze. Wing-coverts and flight-feathers are glossy blackish-blue.

On the tail, the central rectrices are dark bronze to dull black, whereas other tail feathers are metallic violet with dark blue band at tip. Underparts are velvet-black. Crown is dull greenish. The black bill is long and slightly down-curved. Eyes are dark brown, surrounded by blackish eyering. Legs and feet are blackish.

Males and females are almost similar, but the females have dull green tinge on flanks, and the outer rectrices are tipped white.

Immature males resemble the females but they have deep blue throats.

Usually rather silent, but utters a series of sharp, raspy “tic-tic-tic…”.

Feeds on nectar from numerous flowers, both native and introduced. It also takes insects while feeding on nectar.

It especially feeds at cactus flowers and extracts insects from spider webs.

Frequents a variety of open and semi- open lowland country, including forest edges, banana plantations and gardens. It is rare in mangroves.

Only found in Jamaica.

The female builds a tiny cup-shaped nest with woven plant fibers. Green moss is added on the outside as camouflage.

It is usually placed in shrub, bush or tree where it is secured to low branches by spider webs, about 2 meters above the ground. It is lined inside with soft plant fibers, animal hair and feather down.

The female lays 2 white eggs and incubates alone during 16 - 17 days. The male defends both nesting and feeding territories during this period.


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