SCIENTIFIC NAME: Seiurus aurocapilla
The Ovenbird is a large wood warbler with a fairly thick bill, a round head and a jaunty tail that is often cocked upward.
Adults are 4.3 - 5.5 inches in length, with 7.5 - 10.2 inches wingspan and weight of about 16 - 28 grams.
In all plumages, they have unstreaked dull olive brown upperparts, whitish underparts with heavy dark pipit-like streaking on breast and flanks, and a rufous median crown-stripe, bordered prominently on either side by a blackish lateral crown-stripe. They have a conspicuous whitish eye-ring, but lack conspicuous supercilium. Legs are pinkish.
Both sexes are similar.
Immatures are like adults, but are duller.
CALL: A sharp, clicking “chuck” or “tsuk”, repeated when agitated.
SONG: A monotonous but clear "teacher-teacher-teacher…” or a variant “teach-teach-teach…” rising in volume as it proceeds.
Feed on insects, crickets, ants, caterpillars, aphids, moths and beetles. They also eat spiders, earthworms, slugs and snails. In winter, it may eat seeds and other vegetation.
Breeds in deciduous, closed-canopy woodland, with rather dry open ground and much leaf litter at the forest floor. It is found also locally in rather open mixed or coniferous forest, including swampy situations.
Winters in primary and second growth forests.
Breeds from South-eastern Yukon, eastward to Newfoundland, southward to Wyoming, Nebraska, Arkansas and Georgia.
Winters in Florida, the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, and northern South America.
Their nest is built on the ground on leaf-covered floor, or just above the ground in a dump of low plants or shrubs. Often near of an opening in the forest.
The female builds a dome-shaped nest with dried grass, leaves, moss, and other vegetative matters, and hair. It is hidden with leaves, branches and litter placed on the roof. Entrance is a small slit on the side.
She lays 3 - 6 white eggs with brown and gray markings. She incubates them for 11 - 13 days.