Pink Robin

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Petroica rodinogaster

Pink Robin

The Pink Robin is a small passerine bird native to southeastern Australia.

Measuring 5.3 inches in length, it has a small, thin, black bill, and dark brown eyes and legs.

Males have a dark blackish-gray head, throat, back, wings and tail, a pink breast and belly fading to white on the lower abdomen, and a white forehead.

Females are dark gray-brown above, with two buff-colored wing-bars and pinkish-tinged underparts.

CALL: Contact call “tick”, like sound of small twig snapping. Alarm a scolding “chur-r-r”.

SONG: A rapid trill, “chr t- tr-tr-t-r-r”, low and weak but penetrating.

Prey consists of a variety of spiders and insects, including caterpillars, ichneumon wasps, beetles, flies and ants.

Lives in rain forests and moist eucalyptus forests.

Its range is the forests of southern Victoria and neighboring parts of South Australia and New South Wales, and Tasmania.

Nest is a well-made, neat, deep cup of moss. Spider webs, feathers and fur are used for binding or filling, and the nest is generally placed in a tree fork up to 5 meters above the ground.

A clutch of 3 or 4 eggs is laid. The eggs, are grayish-, greenish- or blueish-white, and are marked with dark brown and lavender splotches and spots, usually concentrated around the large end.



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