Flame-Colored Tanager

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Piranga Bidentata

Flame-colored Tanager

Males have bright orange body and head, dark wings with 2 white wing bars, streaked upper mantle.

Females are similar to the males but yellowish in color.

BILL: gray and blunt-tipped.

SIZE: medium-sized, measuring about 7.5 inches in length, with a wingspan of 12 inches.

WEIGHT: weighs between 33 -39 grams.

COLOR: orange, white, black, brown and yellow.

Insects, fruits and berries.

Oak and pine-evergreen forests in foothills and highlands.

Mexico, and throughout Central America to northern Panama, occasionally seen in the United States in the mountains in the southeast corner of Arizona, the southwest of New Mexico and Sonora (the Madrean sky islands of the northern portion of the western Mexican mountain range, Sierra Madre Occidental), and also the southwest corner of Texas.

SONG: A series of gurgling phrases with pauses in between.

NEST: The female builds a cup of grasses and other vegetation.

EGGS: 3 - 4 eggs.

They forage by deliberately moving through the foliage, pausing to look for insects. They will also directly glean insects from foliage and branches, or sometimes fly out to capture flying insects in mid-air.


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