Should You Use Two Hummingbird Feeders?

Hummingbirds are considered one of the most fascinating birds in the world. They are small and flit around quickly, almost like tiny fairies. Many people love having these little creatures around their homes and enjoy the peacefulness they bring. If you are considering bringing hummingbirds to your property and wondering if you should have multiple feeders, you have come to the right place. This blog post will explore whether having one or two hummingbird feeders is better.

Increased Traffic 

Should You Use Two Hummingbird Feeders?

If you want to attract more hummingbirds to your property, having two feeders can be a great idea. The reason is that when you have just one feeder, you may find that there is a line-up of hummingbirds waiting to feed. If this happens, other hummingbirds may avoid your feeder altogether and move on to an area where they can feed comfortably. However, when you have two feeders, they have more space to feed, meaning more hummingbirds can drink without waiting. This will ultimately increase the hummingbird traffic on your property.

Preventing Aggression 

Should You Use Two Hummingbird Feeders?

Hummingbirds are notoriously territorial creatures and can become quite aggressive with one another. Having just one feeder can create problems because the birds will fight over it and push one another out. However, if you add a second feeder, this can help prevent aggression. Hummingbirds will have space to feed, and they don't need to compete with one another, leading to a more peaceful hummingbird experience.


One feeder means less maintenance, which can be a plus for some people. However, if you decide to have two feeders, you must ensure both are cleaned and refilled regularly. Having two feeders means more work, but it means that you will attract more hummingbirds to your backyard, which can be worth the extra effort.


If you have two feeders, consider placing them in different locations. The reason is that hummingbirds can be territorial and may not like other hummingbirds coming into their territory to feed. Placing both feeders in the same area may lead to territorial disputes between the birds. But if you place them in two different areas of your backyard, hummingbirds can work out their territories and feed without issues.

Personal Preference 

Should You Use Two Hummingbird Feeders?

Ultimately, whether you want to have one or two hummingbird feeders is a personal preference. One feeder may be enough if you are happy with the number of hummingbirds visiting your yard. But if you want to attract more hummingbirds and create a peaceful environment for them, then two feeders may be the way to go.

There is no right or wrong answer regarding whether you should have one or two hummingbird feeders. It depends on your personal preference and what you hope to achieve in your backyard. However, having two feeders could be a great option if you want to attract more hummingbirds and create a peaceful environment. Remember to consider the location, maintenance, and increased traffic when deciding. Regardless of how many feeders you use, having these beautiful birds fluttering around you is an experience you will remember.

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