World's Smallest Birds


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Smicrornis brevirostris


The Weebill is a species of bird in the family Acanthizidae, it is an insectivorous passerine that is found throughout mainland Australia.
It is Australia's smallest bird.

Adults have pale yellow eyes and a faint cream colored supercilium. The throat feathers are gray, often with striation, and the flight feathers on the wings are pale brown. Tail feathers are brown with a black bar and white spot on the tip of all the rectrices, except the central pairs, which are completely dark.

Both sexes are monomorphic in plumage coloration. The bill is short and pale gray. The stubby bill of the weebill assists in distinguishing it from thornbills. Their legs and feet are gray, and like all passerines, their toe arrangement is anisodactyl for perching.

Juveniles have similar plumage to adults, but can be identified by a brighter, yellow bill and grayer eye.

They are approximately 3.1 - 3.5 inches long and weighs an average of 6 grams (adult bird). The wingspan is approximately 15.9 inches.

Their voice is a loud, clear, musical "pee-pee p'wee", "wee bit" or "wee willy weetee", often heard from a considerable distance.

Their diet consists mostly of insects, larvae, and occasionally seeds.

Canopies of dry, open eucalyptus forests, woodlands and mallee.

Eastern Australia from central and eastern Queensland (Burdekin River drainage), southward to Victoria and southeast South Australia.

The nest is dome-shaped pendant, made from fine, pliable materials, such as grasses and plant fibers suspended from a branch and concealed in dense foliage of the tree canopy.

They are known to use cobwebs, insect cocoons and animal hair to bind, strengthen, and further conceal the nest.

The female usually lays 2 - 4 brown-speckled cream-colored eggs, which are tapered-oval in shape. Only the female incubates the eggs, which hatch after 10 – 12 days, and then both parents care for the chicks.

Weebill infographic


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