Bird watchers are thrilled when they can get a close view of birds. They can easily do so by installing their own window bird feeders so that they can very conveniently exercise their option of watching birds closely. Window bird feeders can be of different kinds and styles and the right one for your window can depend on a number of things.

Window Bird Feeders

Window bird feeders are more convenient for use in apartments and condos, as in homes that have gardens, installing a bird feeder at corners of a property can bring in far more birds than may get attracted to a window bird feeder. Feeders that are installed near windows can either be attached to the glass or on platforms bolted to frames or window sills. Attachment to the glass is achieved by the use of suction cups, which will need the glass to be maintained clean and non-greasy, in order for the cups to retain their suction. These feeders also cannot be very large and are ideally meant only for smaller birds. The limitation is imposed because of the weight that can be borne by suction cups, which also gets transferred to the glass. Take this into consideration when you choose your window bird feeders, as very thin glass panes may become a risk, when used for suspending bird feeders.

You can opt for feeders that have no roofs, as this will help to reduce the weight. Roofs are really not necessary, as many birds may find this a form of restriction and avoid feeders that have roofs. After all they are used to living in the open and do not have a need for roofs, which may actually prevent them from getting away easily. Bird feeders and seeds for birds can be designed to attract a particular bird, and for this it is necessary to get the right information from the seed suppliers.

Larger bird feeders that have platforms and more space for birds to alight and feed have to be attached to the window frame, sill or wall, with brackets. They can also hold a fairly large amount of feed, so that you do not have to change the food very often. It is always better to arrange to change bird feed in feeders every day, as this will prevent it from getting wet and moldy. This reduces the chances of the birds getting diseases.

Bird feeders must always be kept clean and dry if they are to attract birds. Change the feed regularly, so that the birds eat well. A platform feeder will always have sufficient place to include water in a bird bath, as birds are more attracted to a place that assures them both food and water. Plants adjacent to feeders can also mean a big attraction, as birds are then able to perch in natural places, where they are more comfortable, before they alight to the obviously artificial source of food supply, which is your bird feeder.

Install feeders that are easy to remove and clean and refill, and you will have a spot near your window that can give you hours of watching the little birds taking advantage of your kindness.

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