Anna's  Hummingbird  


Anna's Hummingbird

Males have deep rose red head and throat, with small white spot behind eyes. Color extends on the sides of the neck. Upperparts are bronze-green with iridescences.

Underparts are grayish-white and varied green washes on the flanks. Wings and tail feathers are dark.

They are slightly larger than females. Bill is long and blackish. The eyes are black, legs and feet are blackish.

Females' throat shows red feathers, but none on the crown. Tail feathers have white tips.

Juveniles resemble females but lack red feathers on the throat. Immatures usually show some red feathers on the crown and throat.

BILL: black, long, straight and slender.

SIZE: measures about 3.9 - 4.3 inches in length, with a wingspan of 4.7 inches.

WEIGHT: weighs about 3 - 6 grams.

COLOR: rose-red, bronze-green, green, grayish-white, iridescence and black.

Nectar flower, tree sap, very small insects and spiders.

Open woods, gardens and suburban areas. Abundant in coastal lowlands in winter and mountains in summer.

BREEDS: the Pacific Coast, from southern British Columbia to Mexico.

WINTER: from southern Alaska to Northwest Mexico, and West Texas.

CALL: A sharp “chick”. It utters a rapid dry rattling when a male chases an intruder.

SONG: Males sing a jumble of high squeaks and raspy notes.

NEST: The female builds a small deep cup nest made of bark fibers, leaves, lichens, bound together by spider webs and lined with soft materials, plants, feathers or hair.

EGGS: 2 white eggs.

INCUBATION: 14 - 19 days, female.

They hover deftly and zip from flower to flower.

They catch insects in flight, plucks them on the foliage by hover-gleaning, and catch spiders from their webs, and trapped insects in these webs.

The oldest recorded Anna's Hummingbird was at least 8 years, 2 months old.

Anna's Hummingbird Infographic





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