SCIENTIFIC NAME: Acanthiza chrysorrhoa
The Yellow-rumped Thornbill is a small, brownish bird with a distinctive yellow rump and dark thin bill. It is the largest species of thornbill.
It is 3.7 - 4.7 inches long and weighing 9 grams.
It has a short tail and a long slender bill. They have a distinctive yellow rump, a black forehead with white spots, gray head and neck, a white line above the eye and white throat.
The belly is white with light buff below the wings. The wings are gray and the tail is black. The plumage varies somewhat, depending on subspecies.
CALL: It is reported to be an accomplished mimic of other birds, in particular mimicking the alarm calls of the Noisy Miner.
SONG: A distinctive song described as "twittering, musical, sweet, high-pitched".
Major prey items include ants, beetles, bugs and lerps. Other items eaten include spiders, flies and seeds.
Inhabits a wide range of habitats, including open forest and woodland, grasslands, savannah and scrubland.
Has a wide distribution across western, southern and eastern Australia as well as Tasmania; it is absent from the north coast of Western Australia, parts of central Australia, northern Queensland and central and northern Territory.
Nest is a messy dome-shaped structure made of dried grass and other vegetation hidden low down among dense foliage or shrubs, or sometimes in vines or mistletoe.
Atop the dome is a cup-shaped depression which serves as a false nest, while the real nest is inside with a concealed entrance.
The female lays 3 or 4 dull-white oval eggs, lightly spotted with red-brown mostly at the large end. She incubates the eggs for about 16 – 18.