Green-throated Carib

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Eulampis holosericeus

Green-throated Carib

The Green-throated Carib is a large and beautiful hummingbird.

It measures about 4.33 - 4.92 inches in length, with males weighing around 5.5 - 7.8 grams and females, around 5 - 5.5 grams.

Adult males have metallic bronze-green upperparts. Uppertail coverts are mostly blue-green. On the wings, flight feathers are deep dark blue, as long as body. On the underparts, chin and throat are metallic green, followed by bright blue crescent across the breast. Belly is black and undertail coverts are metallic blue.

Rounded tail is dark blue. Flight feathers are grayish-brown and underwing coverts are green. Head is metallic green. Black bill is slightly decurved. Eyes are dark brown. Legs and feet are dark gray to blackish.

Both sexes are similar.

Females have longer bills than males, and more decurved.

Juveniles resemble the females, with washed brown heads. They reach their sexual maturity at 2 years.

Its vocalizations consist of a sharp "chup" or "tsip", which it repeats when alarmed. It also produces nonvocal sounds with its wings.

Feeds mainly on nectar of flowers. It may supplement this usual food with pollen caught while drinking nectar.

It also consumes arthropods for proteins. Flies, wasps, ants, small beetles and spiders are also taken.

Lives in open secondary vegetation, semi-deciduous woodlands, rainforests, agricultural areas and parks. It can be found from sea level to 500 meters of elevation.

It has a limited range. It is found in Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and Lesser Antilles where it is common resident.

The female builds the nest on tree or bush periphery, at about 1 - 4 meters above the ground. It is a compact cup with the exterior camouflaged by pieces of bark and lichen. Interior is lined with soft materials, such as fibers of seeds, cacti and tree ferns.

She lays 2 eggs and incubates them alone for 17 - 19 days.


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