THROAT: Male - Red, Female - Plain.
BILL: Black, Straight.
TAIL: Male - Slight fork, Female - White tips.
RANGE: East.
OTHER: The only hummingbird widely seen in the east.
THROAT: Male - Red, Female - Streaked.
BILL: black, straight.
TAIL: Rufous patches on sides.
RANGE: Interior West.
OTHER: White chin, females show buff flanks, wings make loud metallic trill in flight.
THROAT: Male - Orange-red, Female - Splotched or spotted black.
BILL: Straight.
TAIL: Male - Forked, Female - White tips.
RANGE: West, Southeast in winter.
OTHER: They have faint wing trill, very aggressive at feeders, most males have orange upperparts.
THROAT: Male - Orange, Female - Splotched black.
BILL: Straight.
TAIL: Orange.
RANGE: Pacific Coast.
OTHER: They generally show a green back and orange flanks.
THROAT: Male - Pinkish-purple, Female - Plain.
BILL: Black, straight.
TAIL: Straight across.
RANGE: Southwest, Pacific Coast.
OTHER: The males show purple-pink on the forehead and crown.
THROAT: Male - Black and purple, Female - Plain.
BILL: Black, straight.
TAIL: Slightly forked.
RANGE: Widespread in West.
OTHER: They have active tail movement while feeding, white-collar contrasts with the male's throat.
THROAT: Plain white.
BILL: Red with black tip, straight.
TAIL: Slightly curved when spread.
RANGE: Southwest / rare.
OTHER: The genders are similar, both show a blue-purple crown.
THROAT: Male - Pink-magenta streaks, Female - faintly streaked.
BILL: Black, Straight.
TAIL: Male - Black, Female - White tips.
RANGE: Pacific Northwest, Interior West.
OTHER: The smallest of the North American hummingbirds.
THROAT: Male - Pink-purple, Female - plain.
BILL: Black, decurved.
TAIL: Forked.
RANGE: Southwest / rare.
OTHER: The females show buff underparts.
THROAT: Male - Pink-red, Female - Streaked or splotched.
BILL: Black, Straight.
TAIL: Male - Forked, Female - Slight white corners.
RANGE: Year-round Pacific Coast, Southwest.
OTHER: The tail is held still while feeding, males show pink-red forehead and crown.
THROAT: Red-brown.
BILL: Black, straight, exceptionally long.
TAIL: Slightly ridged.
RANGE: Southern Arizona / rare.
OTHER: They have white rump patch and white malar streak.
THROAT: Male - Green-black or turquoise, Female - slightly streaked.
BILL: Black, straight, exceptionally long.
TAIL: Straight.
RANGE: Southwest / rare.
OTHER: The males show a purple forehead and crown.
THROAT: Male - Blue, Female - Gray.
BILL: Black, straight.
TAIL: Broad white corners.
RANGE: Southwest / rare.
OTHER: They are exceptionally large in size, dull underparts, white stripe noticeable on the face.
THROAT: Male - Blue-green, Female - Gray.
BILL: Red base, black tip, thick base, straight.
TAIL: Slightly forked.
RANGE: Southern Arizona.
OTHER: They flip and wag their tail when hovering.
THROAT: Apple green.
BILL: Black above, reddish below, straight.
TAIL: Rusty red.
RANGE: Southwestern Arizona / rare.
OTHER: Rust color is prominent in tail and wings.
THROAT: Green-black.
BILL: Red with black tip, slightly decurved.
TAIL: Rufous, rounded.
RANGE: South Texas.
OTHER: The genders are similar, both show pale buff underparts.
THROAT: Male - Blue-green, Female - Streaked or spotted.
BILL: Red base, black tip, straight.
TAIL: Bronze-green, Male - Forked, Female - Straight.
RANGE: Southwest / rare.
OTHER: They have broad white ear stripe.
THROAT: Bright green.
BILL: Black, straight.
TAIL: Blue-green with dark band near tip.
RANGE: Texas / rare.
OTHER: The genders are similar, both show a blue-purple ear patch.
THROAT: Male - Green, Female - White with black central stripe.
BILL: Black, decurved.
TAIL: Male - Reddish purple, Female - White tips.
RANGE: South Texas / rare.
OTHER: They are large-sized and have an overall dark coloration.
THROAT: Male - Black-green, Female - Buff.
BILL: Red with black tip, straight.
TAIL: Rufous-brown.
RANGE: Southern California / rare.
OTHER: They have broad bill base, white ear stripe, rich buff underparts.