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American Robin

The American Robin, a migratory songbird is named after the European Robin because of its reddish-orange breast although they are not closely related. It is amongst the commonly seen backyard birds in winter.

American Goldfinch

The American Goldfinch is a small North American bird in the finch family. It is amongst the commonly seen backyard birds in winter.

American Crow

The American Crow is a large, intelligent passerine bird species commonly found throughout North America. It is amongst the commonly seen backyard birds in winter.

Popular Backyard Birds - White-Crowned Sparrow

The White-Crowned Sparrow is a medium-sized member of the American sparrow family that appears each winter over much of North America.

Popular Backyard Birds - White-Breasted Nuthatch (Sitta Carolinensis)

The White-Breasted Nuthatch is a small songbird of the nuthatch family, a common backyard bird with clean black, gray, and white markings.

Popular Backyard Birds - Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus Bicolor)

The Tufted Titmouse is a small songbird from North America, with an overall gray plumage with paler underparts and orangey sides.

Backyard Birds Commonly Seen in Winter

Backyard bird species that are seen in winter...

Popular Backyard Birds - European Goldfinch (Carduelis Carduelis)

The European Goldfinch is a small passerine bird in the finch family and one of the most colorful backyard birds.

Popular Backyard Birds - Rose-Breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus Ludovicianus)

The Rose-Breasted Grosbeak is a large, seed-eating grosbeak in the cardinal family.

Popular Backyard Birds - Red-Breasted Nuthatch (Sitta Canadensis)

The Red-Breasted Nuthatch is a small, compact songbird.

Popular Backyard Birds - Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis Cardinalis)

The Northern Cardinal is a well-loved backyard bird that has been named as the official bird of the seven states of the U.S.

Popular Backyard Birds - Eurasian Siskin (Spinus Spinus)

The Eurasian Siskin is a small greenish-yellow finch.