Blue Birds Seen in North America - Steller's Jay
The Steller's Jay is a large songbird with large head, stout body and rounded wings with a long full tail.
Blue Birds Seen in North America - Island Scrub-Jay
The Island Scrub-Jay, also known as Santa Cruz Island Jay or Island Jay are only found on the North American island of Santa Cruz off the coast of Southern California.
Blue Birds Seen in North America - Red-breasted Nuthatch
The Red-breasted Nuthatch is a small, compact bird, with short tail, neck and a long tapered bill. They are blue-gray birds with strongly patterned heads.
Blue Birds Seen in North America - Florida Scrub-Jay
The Florida Scrub-Jay is the only bird species that lives exclusively in Florida.
Blue Birds Seen in North America - California Scrub-Jay
The California Scrub-Jay is a species of scrub jay that is native to western North America.
Blue Birds Seen in North America - Red-Legged Honeycreeper
The Red-Legged Honeycreeper is a small songbird species in the tanager family. It is very common in Central and northern South America from Mexico south to Brazil.
Blue Birds Seen in North America - Blue Jay
The Blue Jay is amongst the loudest and most colorful birds that resides through most of eastern and central United States, although western populations may be migratory.
Blue Birds Seen in North America - Blue Grosbeak
The Blue Grosbeak, a medium-sized seed-eating vibrantly blue bunting is a larger version of the Indigo Bunting. Its warbling song is a common sound in summer around thickets and hedgerows.
Blue Birds Seen in North America - Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
The Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher is a very small songbird that can be found in North, Central and South America.
Blue Birds Seen in North America - Varied Bunting
The Varied Bunting is a species of songbird with males having a spectacular color pattern.
Blue Birds Seen in North America - Lazuli Bunting
The Lazuli Bunting is a North American songbird which is named after the gemstone lapis lazuli.