The Scarlet Robin is a common red-breasted Australasian robin found on continental Australia and its offshore islands, including Tasmania.
The Broad-billed Tody is a small insectivorous bird, characterized by its bright green feathers, pink flanks and red throat. It is endemic to Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti).
The Cuban Tody is a small, gemlike, woodland species that is restricted to Cuba and adjacent islands. It is the most brightly colored member of the family Todidae.
The Elegant Trogon formerly known as the Coppery-tailed trogon is a medium-sized stocky, potbellied bird ranging from Guatemala in the south as far north as the upper Gila River in Arizona and New Mexico.
The Slaty-tailed Trogon is a large, red-bellied trogon that breeds in lowlands from southeastern Mexico south through Central America, to Colombia, and a small region of northwestern Ecuador.
Lattice-tailed Trogon is a large trogon found in Costa Rica and Panama.
The White-necked Puffbird is a mainly black and white bird, with a prominent black band separating the white chest and belly. It is found in forest and woodland from southern Mexico through Central America to the Chocó, northern Colombia (including Magdalena Valley), northern Venezuela, and the western and southern Amazon Basin.
The Gray-crowned Palm-Tanager or Gray-crowned Tanager is a woodland species endemic to the Caribbean island of Hispaniola (split between the Dominican Republic and Haiti).
The Rufous-browed Peppershrike, a large, chunky vireo, widespread and often common in woodland, forest edge, and cultivation with some tall trees from Mexico and Trinidad south to Argentina and Uruguay.
The Black-crowned Palm-tanager or Black-crowned Tanager is a stunning passerine species, endemic to the island of Hispaniola (split between Haiti and the Dominican Republic) in the Caribbean.
The Yellowhammer is a bright-colored passerine bird in the bunting family that is native to Eurasia and has been introduced to New Zealand and Australia.
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