The Crimson Topaz is a large distinctive South American hummingbird. It is the largest hummingbird of Brazil, second in size after the Giant Hummingbird.
The Reddish Hermit is a tiny and charming hermit hummingbird species with dark-olive above and cinnamon below and on its rump. The males of this species have an incomplete black breast band and have shorter tail and wings than the females. It is among the smallest of the smallest of the hermits and the smallest of birds overall. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and in the Guianas.
The Purple-throated Sunangel is a medium-sized hummingbird species with a rather limited range in southern Ecuador and northern Peru. It is mostly emerald-green with a broad purple throat bordered by iridescent blue below. Females are similar to males but are small and duller.
The Purple-throated Carib is a large hummingbird species with a markedly down-curved bill. This beautifully colored hummingbirds are found on several islands of the Lesser Antilles. This species is endemic to this area.
The Planalto Hermit is a large hummingbird species with olive-green back, contrasting with its cinnamon rump and belly. It is found in eastern and south-central Brazil, eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, and marginally in north-western Argentina.
The Long-billed Hermit is a spectacularly large hummingbird and a resident breeder from central Mexico south to northwestern Colombia, extreme western Venezuela and western Ecuador.
The Lesser Violetear, also known as the Mountain Violet-ear is a medium-sized metallic green hummingbird species with blue or purple cheek patch. This species is commonly found in forested areas from Costa Rica to northern South America.