

Hummingbird Q and A

How do hummingbirds choose flowers? Read on to find out!

Green-Crowned Woodnymph

The Green-Crowned Woodnymph is a hummingbird found in humid forest and tall second growth from eastern Panama, south through western Colombia (incl. Cauca Valley) and Ecuador, to far north-western Peru.

Great-Billed Hermit

The Great-Billed Hermit is a large hummingbird with an extremely long and curved bill. This species of hummingbird is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Cool Facts

Know more about the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds with these cool facts!

Grey-Tailed Mountain-Gem

The Grey-Tailed Mountain-Gem or Gray-Tailed Mountain-Gem is a hummingbird species that breeds only in the mountains of southern Costa Rica.

Hummingbird Behavior

Know more about hummingbird behavior and find out their unique behaviors that help distinguish them from other species.

Hummingbird Q and A

Hummingbirds will not become dependent on feeders since they are adaptable and good at finding new places to seek out other sources.

Trivia Time

Know more about hummingbirds with this hummingbird trivia.

Gray-Chinned Hermit

The Gray-Chinned Hermit is a South American hummingbird species found in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and - marginally - far northern Brazil.

Gray-Bellied Comet

The Gray-Bellied Comet or Grey-Bellied Comet is a large hummingbird found only in a few small areas of Peru.

Gorgeted Sunangel

The Gorgeted Sunangel is a medium-sized hummingbird found on the west slope of Ecuador and extreme southwestern Colombia.

Gorgeted Puffleg

The Gorgeted Puffleg is a is a critically endangered hummingbird found in the Andes of southwestern Colombia.