The Band-tailed Barbthroat is a medium-sized hummingbird that occur naturally in Central America south to northwestern South America.
The Black-eared Fairy is a species of hummingbird found in tropical forests in South America.
The Blue-fronted Lancebill is a chunky South American hummingbird with a long, mostly straight bill. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Venezuela.
The Cuban Emerald is a medium-sized, dark-green hummingbird found in a wide range of semi-open habitats in Cuba, the Isle of Pines, and the western Bahamas.
The Black-throated Mango is an attractive South American hummingbird species.
The Lesser Violetear, also known as the Mountain Violet-ear is a medium-sized, metallic green hummingbird with an obvious blue or green cheek patch. It is commonly found in forested areas from Costa Rica to northern South America.
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