The Buff-Tailed Sicklebill is a relatively large, heavily-streaked hummingbird with an amazing hook-like bill. It is a species of hermit hummingbird from the lower Andes and adjacent west Amazonian lowlands from southern Colombia and northern Ecuador to Peru and Bolivia.
The Buff-Breasted Sabrewing is a large, green and buff-colored hummingbird found in Brazil and Venezuela.
The Buff-Bellied Hermit is a small, dull hummingbird with a curved bill similar to the Planalto and Cinnamon-Throated hermits. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay.
The Bronze-Tailed Plumeleteer is a large hummingbird resident in Central America and South America from eastern Honduras to northwestern Ecuador.
The Bronze-Tailed Comet is a large, long-tailed hummingbird species endemic to the Pacific slope of Andes of Peru.
The Broad-Tipped Hermit is a boldly patterned, medium-sized hummingbird with a long-curved bill. This species of hummingbird is found in northeast Brazil.
The Blue-Tufted Starthroat long-billed hummingbird of South America.
The Blue-Throated Starfrontlet is a large dazzling hummingbird found in the Andes of Colombia and far western Venezuela.
The Blue-Tailed Hummingbird is a medium-sized hummingbird of woodlands, plantations, and forest edges in tropical lowlands and foothills of southern Chiapas and northern Central America.
The Blue-Headed Sapphire is a striking hummingbird species found in Colombia and Ecuador.
The Blue-Capped Puffleg is a species of hummingbird found in Argentina and Bolivia.
The Blue-Capped Hummingbird or the Oaxaca Hummingbird is an endemic and distinctive, medium-sized hummingbird found in the foothills of the Sierra Madre del Sur in Oaxaca. Its tiny range is threatened by habitat loss.
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